We Welcome All New Members!
Our rules are simple:
1.) Be excellent to each other
2.) Refrain from posting items on politics, No religion (we want to avoid arguments of that nature here) and No porn (there's plenty of sites for that)
3.) If you plan to represent the club or have an idea that will reflect the club in anyway please reach out first to us.
4.) If you plan to make up any merchandise or have an idea using the clubs name/logo please reach out first before you act.
5.) Please do not contact anyone (vendor wise, event organizer) on behalf of the club with out reaching out first.
6.) Keep vendors who are not sponsors off our site and other pages, our sponsors keep us afloat they deserve the respect. Please see note below.
7.) If you sell something in our classifieds, please be clear and honest in your description.
8.) Anything posted for the sole purpose of embarrassing the club or meant to upset members will be deleted.
There are reasons for all of this please contact Ny5thgen@gmail.com or one of the mods with any questions you might have. I just want this all to be clear to avoid future issues that may arise.
My door is always open to new ideas and concerns please feel free to contact me.
*Rule 6: I want to explain this so we can be perfectly clear. I have no issue with you sharing your mods items etc.. However we are asking you not to post on behalf of vendors who aren't contributors in a manner to benefit yourself. The club is free for all to use all of the knowledge, discounts, benefits, etc... but is far from free to run. I ask you please to respect and understand this.
Our sponsorship rates are very affordable please contact me ny5thgen@gmail.com if interested.
Failure to follow these few rules will result in a warning first then a temporary ban, then if it still persists then deletion.
If you go out of your way to embarrass the club you will be deleted ASAP